Cambridge ESOL Exam Preparation Centre British School

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Escrit per British School el 28 d'Octubre de 2016 en la categoria Students' work

The Lovely Face --

Once upon a time there was a really vain girl. One day after school the girl started to walk because the bus had broken. The weather was cold and windy.

She continued walking on the road, next to a corn field, where there was a red house, probably of a farmer or abandoned farm. While she was approaching the house, the wind was blowing in a strange way and when she turned around she saw a black thing with human form. 

The thing was running towards her! 

As soon as it started to run she hid at the back of the farm, where there was a well. She forgot the monster and went to see her reflection. ‘You have a lovely face, is it OK if I borrow it?’ After she heard it, she fell into the well while she was looking at the thing which was laughing in a scary way and wearing a mask in the shape of her face.

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