Cambridge ESOL Exam Preparation Centre British School

Inici > Blog > September 2016 PET Exam Skills

Escrit per British School el 22 d'Agost de 2016 en la categoria Noticias

September 2016 PET Exam Skills --

British School is offering PET Exam Skills classes from Tuesday 6 until Thursday 29 September in preparation for the PET exam on 8 October 2016.
The course will focus on exam techniques and strategies and is intended for B1/Intermediate level students who would like the opportunity to hone their exam skills.

Times and Prices
Tuesday and Thursday 17:30-19:00
Total number of class hours – 12
Course price - €120 (includes material)
PET exam fees - €100 (exam fee must be paid by 10 September 2016)

Reserve your place by calling 977 211 605 or email

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